Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Stay Healthy. Here are your 20 Common Everyday Super Foods

Here are the 20 Common Everyday Super Foods you must incorporate in your diet regularly and the reasons why. 

I've been a committed vegetarian for over 52 years, so you will not see any flesh foods listed here. 

  1. Bananas
      Filled with fiber and potassium  and may even help with a hangover
  2. Brown Rice
     The whole grain version is full of fiber and may cut the risk of diabetes.
  3. Grapes
      High in antioxidants, which may help reduce cholesterol 
  4. Oatmeal
      High in fiber, low in fat, and may even help lower cholesterol                      
  5. Tomatoes
      Contains exceptional amounts of the antioxidant lycopene that remains in the              flesh of the tomatoes even after cooking and canning. Choose the ones with no            sodium added.
  6. Sweet Potatoes
      High levels of vitamin A, contains beta-carotene (which may help prevent cancer and protect you from the sun) and also helps keep your skin silky smooth 
  7. Spinach
      Nutrient dense with vitamin A, K, and calcium
  8. Black Beans
 Packs a ton of fiber and has a solid amount of calcium, fiber, potassium, and folic   acid
  9. Eggs
      When in need of protein, eggs are quick and delicious
10. Pinto Beans
      Full of protein and fiber 
11. Lentils
More protein per pound than beef. Lentils are a filling food with antioxidants (and quite tasty, too).
12. Low-fat milk.
One-calcium filled glass can help keep teeth strong and even help keep off those excess pounds.  
13. Low-fat Yogurt
      Filled with protein and calcium
14. Low-fat Cottage Cheese        
      Surprisingly high in protein, and tastes great in both sweet and savory  dishes.
15. Whole Grain Pasta
      Full of fiber, antioxidants, and protein, and may help lower risk of heart disease.
16. Apples
      Get this super food for a serving of vitamin C and cancer fighting antioxidants.
17. Onions
      Onions pack a surprising nutritious punch, including a hefty dose of  antioxidants. 
18. Oranges
      Oranges aren't just about their vitamin C, it is also filled with fiber, and                          potassium.
19. Coffee
      This morning pick-up contains antioxidants to help protect the heart, and is a              great pre-workout fuel to help increase endurance.
20. Tea
      Go for the green tea if you're looking to maximize your antioxidant intake.   

The varying health benefits of tea are plenty, ranging from their antioxidant powers to helping maintain a healthy weight.    

These are feel good foods that are great for the body and even better for your budget. 

What do you think of these foods? Leave your comments below.

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Friday, March 10, 2017

Don't Let These 3 Elements Block Your Productivity

The 3 essential elements that work against your personal development and productivity are procrastination, interruptions, and distractions. 

Let's take a look at them and what you can do about it: 

1. Procrastinations 

Procrastinations often arise because psychologically you don't want to do the task and consequently you keep putting it off. 

You either perceive the task as being too difficult, too aggravating, too provoking or all three. And then try to avoid doing it. 

However, avoidance is not the solution and the longer you put it off, the more anxious you will become. The solution is psychological in nature. 

You need to relax, visualize the most positive and constructive outcome you can, and then focus on the steps necessary to make the outcome a reality. Take the steps and then be pleasantly surprised at what happens.

2. Interruptions
Interruptions can be phone calls, someone wanting a face-to-face meeting with you, or any unanticipated event. Interruptions, however, can be prevented. If you're working at home consider structuring your day and vow to stick to your structure. Break your day down into time/task segments. 

For example, if according to your body clock, you are typically alert and do your best mentally challenging work early in the morning, schedule the first hour of the morning to do your research and writing if you work requires that. Then, schedule your organizing and filing at the end of the day. 

The hours in the late mornings and mid afternoons can be allocated for meetings, phone calls, appointments and lunch breaks.

3. Distractions
Distractions are the result of an undisciplined mind. Distractions principally happen as a matter of choice. 

You can choose to be distracted by playing useless computer games, dwelling on the argument you had with your friend or spouse, or engaging in some idle chatting instead of focusing on your tasks.

While procrastinations are also a matter of choice, distractions are even more so. Procrastinations might indeed be associated with having to deal with an unsavory experience such as revealing some bad news to someone, or just not doing something you just don't want to do but has to be done. 

Distractions on the other hand tend to result from an idle mind - a mind without a focus. Choosing to focus and act on constructive tasks with a strong desire to do so until you complete them eliminates distractions.

Your personal development as well as your productivity depends upon you clearly identifying these three culprits and taking the steps to eliminate them.

What are your thoughts? Leave your comments below.

Truth About Vegetarianism and Its Benefits

Living by good health principles is an important element in your realization of success.  Depending upon your definition of success, the r...