Monday, July 13, 2009

A Meatless Diet, More Money in Your Pocket

Being the curious person that I am, I often ask my friends and acquaintances what their food bills are each month and then I become amazed. Being a vegetarian leaves me with a very low food bill each month. Meat happens to be the most expensive item in most everyone's shopping cart. If what you are putting in your cart are fruits (in season), vegetables, brown rice, whole wheat bread, cheese, whole wheat spaghetti, juice, eggs, macaroni, and legumes, you'll have healthy foods and foods that will give a variety to your diet and last a while. Once meat is eliminated from your diet, you achieve two outcomes: more discretionary money and better health.

You can then use the discretionary money to invest in yourself as you continue your quest for success. If you are already a success, congratulations. If you are still on the path to success, here is a step to incorporate in your plans


osquée said...

I strongly suggest you to do so!
But not just for sparing some more money. I prefer seeing it as something ethical.
Check my article: Animals as moral agents following the link -

feedback is welcome

Will Barnes said...

Thanks for your comment. I have taken the occasion to read the article you recommended.

Truth About Vegetarianism and Its Benefits

Living by good health principles is an important element in your realization of success.  Depending upon your definition of success, the r...