Sunday, July 05, 2015

How You can Become an Independent Consultant or Just Be Your Own Boss

An independent consultant can be best defined as one who chooses not to be an employee; one who is willing to depend upon his or her own talents, abilities, and expertise for continued existence; one who is a risk taker -- knowing that there is no weekly, semi-monthly, or monthly pay checks; one who may seem to be a little crazy and weird to his peers, but who is willing to try to make a difference in the world.

Dealing with Working Alone
Being a independent consultant means willing to accept extended periods of working alone while balancing that need with time to have fun with others. It also means dealing with the challenge of finding those times and making those times meaningful.

Steps for Organizing Your Day
In that you work for yourself, you have to organize your own day. I suggest that you break your day into one hour segments or thirty minute segments depending on the task and how much time may be needed to complete that particular task.

Using the Telephone Properly
Some consulting work might require more time to be spent on the phone. Therefore, you may allow an hour for phone calls and follow-up to phone calls, while you may allow just thirty minutes for reviewing reports, and an hour for billing. 

Discovering and Keeping Work
And, of course, until you become well established, you have to consistently obtain work which includes prospecting, asking for referrals, dealing with no answers, and marketing. Getting paid for your work includes billing, following up on billings, and negotiating rates.

Over time you want to develop the reputation as one who puts the client first; one is willing to take the extra step; one whose sincerely committed to the idea of adding value to what you do; and one is willing to make a commitment to becoming an expert in your chosen field.

You may also like 8 Ways to Know if Your are Goal Directed and Finding the Work-Life Balance  

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