- Rather it should be a pleasurable outpouring of your position on an issue;
- an expression of your strong feelings about a current event;
- an exposition on a topic on which you have done some significant research;
- or maybe just sharing a particular point of view on something you have some real interest in.
Blog Writing as a Release
As an independent consultant the writings I often do include writing reports, designing programs, evaluating programs, and developing proposals to acquire grant moneys along with other related types of highly technical writing.
Blog writing then is a release from that type of demanding writing. As I write this, I am experiencing a release from my normal and typical writing directly associated with making a living. I see blogging as not just an emotional release, but also a sharing of information and a point of view.
Blogging Simplified
Blog writing, simplified, can be broken down into eight specific and easy tasks:
1. Identify the substance of what you want to write about.
2. Work on the title of the blog. The title is extremely important. It will determine whether or not someone actually decides to read your article. Make the title a catchy and intriguing one.
3. Develop a strong lead paragraph. This is important because, after the title, the paragraph must make the reader wants to further explore what you have to say.
4. Keep your main points you want to make to no less than three and no more than nine. Two are too few. Ten are too many.
5. Support each of your points with facts and data. If you choose to quote a so-called expert, keep it to a minimum. The important thing is to make sure that your facts and data are from reputable sources.
6. Keep your sentences short and concise. Write in the active voice. And, write to the reader. Let the reader know that you are talking to him or her.
7. Use bullet points if they are appropriate to your article and avoid jargon unless you are willing to explain what it means.
8. Conclude your blog with a summary of your main points or a simplified restatement of the essence of your blog.
There it is. Blog writing should be a sharing of information and a release. Consider it to be therapeutic and have fun doing so.