At minimum, you should strive for 30 minutes of moderate physical activity each day. That activity can become even more beneficial if you pump it up to vigorous.
Walking briskly (3-4 mph)
Cycling for pleasure or transportation (<10 mph)
Swimming, moderate effort
Conditioning exercise, general calisthenics
Racket sports, table tennis
Golf, pulling cart or carrying dubs
Home care, general cleaning
Mowing lawn, power mower
Home repair, painting
Walking briskly uphill or with a load
Cycling, fast or racing (10 mph)
Swimming, fast treading crawl
Conditioning exercise, stair ergonometer, ski machine
Racket sports, singles tennis, racquetball
Golf, practice at driving range
Moving furniture
Mowing lawn, hand mower
Fix-up projects
Everyone Should Exercise
Exercise can be for everyone, regardless of age. Elderly people who regularly exercise say they have more energy, sleep more soundly, enjoy eating more and report fewer aches. Adult exercisers of any age smoke less, drink less, and handle stress better. Beginning and sticking with an exercise program will lower body fat stores and increase muscle strength and flexibility. The added stress supplied by most exercises can help ward off osteoporosis -- a bane many women over the age of 45 may want avoid.
Now, when you are tired the last thing you may want to do is exercise.
But doing just that is really what you need. Here are five reasons to exercise
away your fatigue:
1. Exercise will pump oxygen into your blood and brain. Your circulatory system and organs will benefit.
2. Exercise can help keep adrenaline hormones in balance. You’ll be able to deal with stress more easily if those hormones is not swinging wildly.
3. Exercise will help normalize blood sugar so your body has a steady supply of energy for which to draw. Fatigue and listlessness can result from drops in blood sugar.
4. Exercise can reduce emotional stress. A workout provides a healthy outlet for venting frustrations, and as your physical condition improves, self-confidence for a job well done should follow.
5. Exercise releases the body’s natural painkillers. These chemicals, called endorphins, can create feelings of well-being and happiness – – a big perk for a fatigue mind.
If you haven’t done much exercising until now, ease into it. Start exercising and reap the benefits.
Let me know how much you are benefiting. Leave your comments below.
Let me know how much you are benefiting. Leave your comments below.