Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Humans Don't Have Instincts. Humans Have Intuition: Here are 4 Ways to Use Your Intuition for Personal Gain

Instinct is defined as an unalterable behavior pattern that is universal for a species -- that is, every member of the species can be expected to do it.  

Intuition is defined as a kind of immediate knowledge or awareness not based upon some logical process -- a form of insight that brings together appropriate relationships between the elements of a problem or situation.

The key distinction to be made here is that by definition instinct can only be applied to animals while intuition can only be applied to human beings.

Intuition allows you to discover unseen realities and hidden truths. It alerts you to problems and warns you of risks and dangers you might not otherwise detect. It is that sixth sense -- that faculty of the mind that operates independently of reason and logic. 

 It is a way of sensing something that produces instantaneous comprehension and can occur spontaneously.

Certain qualities make you more sensitive to intuitive experiences like relaxation, patience, and self-control. 

Do not confuse intuition with hope, emotion, or intellect. Rather, it is developed through trial and error. Moreover, it cannot be explained. You know when you have it.

Awakening intuition is about learning to trust yourself. You need to let your intuition guide you and then be willing to follow that guidance directly and fearlessly.

Intuition can be developed to produce genius in individuals thought to be mediocre or even of inferior intelligence. Here then are four tips for developing your intuition:

1. Learn to tune into intuitive experiences and to recognize their quality. 

Intuitive impulses are a form of sensed perception and are distinguished by a vague sense of being certain or almost certain.
2. Be aware of soft facts as well as hard facts. 
 Soft facts are less formal or obvious such as impressions, feelings, inclinations, and vibrations. Hard facts are logical, objective, and overt. Soft facts are hunches, intuitive, and invisible. Hard facts are obvious, conscious, and tangible. In most situations both soft and hard facts will reveal themselves.
3. Intuition is commonly experienced within the context of choice.
When a choice need to be made, intuition will signal stop or go. This faculty is developed by comparison and contrast. By comparing your subjective experience with the eventual correctness or incorrectness of your choice, you can eventually sense the expression which will match up.
4. Be true to your intuition.
Extraneous factors will often intrude, such as social pressures, wish fulfillment, greed, impatience and so on which can alter the basis for your decision.

A word of caution. Do not rely solely upon your intuition. Study the situation. Use the other side of your brain and do your research. After you have done your research, then let your intuition guide you to your final choice. Intuition is something to be used in conjunction with your logical, rational abilities.

Now you know that the next time you hear a commentator, analyst, broadcaster, etc. associate the term instinct with human beings, it is charitable to say that you are listening to someone who is just being imprecise in their thinking. But, really it's just stupid to say this.

Now its your turn. Do you trust your intuition? If so what experiences have you had?

Leave your comments below. 
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